My favorite artist of all time has got to be Hieronymus Bosch. He painted some of the freakiest stuff I’ve ever seen. I could stare at the Garden of Earthly Delights for ever and ever and never see all the details. There is always something insane going on in that painting that I have never noticed before.

What amuses me the most is that this painting was completed around 1505 for the church. The triptych has Eden on left, Hell on right, and The Garden of Earthly Delights in the center. I believe the allegory is that you go to heaven or hell depending on what you do when you are in the center. But Hieronymus, why did you make all that crazy sinnin’ look so good? I don’t even know what most of them are doing, but I want to join in. In fact, The Garden of Earthly Delights looks so inviting I consider it my personal bucket list. I hope to do everything depicted in the Garden of Delights before my time is through. Won’t you join me?

In the Garden of Delights game you start out a lovely pair of citizens of The Garden, riding in a bubble pod doing your best to protect your pastoral existence from all the winged demons, beasts, imps, and evil minions who are infiltrating paradise. Shoot them with sweet ripe berries to end their wickedness so you can get back to your own debauchery.
If you can find Laughing Lilith, she will give you a burst of supreme alchemical Bosch power. Use it wisely. When you kill enough demons and collect enough forbidden fruit you can unlock all three panels of the triptych and unlock the special bonus characters that have all new super powers. You’re welcome.
This is another from my History Through Art series of indie video games. Download Garden of Delights for Android or iOS.