Sucklord: The Game

Sucklord The Game


A big thank you to Kevin White and for including the Sucklord game in his top picks for June 2021 Android releases! gave the Sucklord game a great review. Thanks!!!

Games by J.E.Moores for iOS
Games by J.E.Moores for Android

Sucklord: Toy Lord of Chinatown for Windows PC

Now is your time to be Toy Lord of Chinatown.”

Sucklord Video Game

All you have to do is tap the screen to jump, hop, battle, bounce, shoot and fly though this old-school retro-styled side-scrolling space-adventure that is set in a far off galaxy somewhere between Chinatown and Coney Island on the small planet of New York City. To be the Toy Lord of Chinatown:

  1. Sell bootleg toys to Jerkbags.
  2. Use the money to repair your spaceship.
  3. Unlock advanced armor and characters.
Games by J.E.Moores for iOS
Games by J.E.Moores for Android
Suck Bux

Money: you will need plenty of money to become the Toy Lord of Chinatown. You must sell bootleg toys to Jerkbags. You are awarded Suck Bux when you come up successful after various dilemmas presented throughout the game. Go for the Suck Bux and win big.

Laser Sword

Laser Swords: look for bright colored balls of light above you throughout the game. Jump up to hit the colored light to get a Laser Sword of the same color. Some Laser Swords last longer than others. Yellow lasts the shortest of all, then Blue, Purple, Pink, and Red lasts the longest. You can use a Laser Sword to defeat the villains in your path.


Tyranusberg: this guy will loan you money, and then later will harass you to pay him back. If you jump on his head he will loan you $100 Bux. He will eventually want it back, and may demand interest on top of the loan. He’s unpredictable. If he gets hard up for cash, he’ll come looking for you in his Model T rocket ship. If you ever get caught alone in a room with Tyranusberg, pay him until he goes away. You can try to refuse his offers and do your best to not go into debt, but loans from Tyranusberg are hard to avoid.

Another B~

Another B~ a date with this sweet thing will cost you 100 Bux. It’s hard to avoid her. Warning: she is attracted to dudes with robots.


Douchebot: this is your long lost robot friend. It’s so nice to have him back. Douchebot is a fierce fighter and will come along with you on this adventure, if you can find him. Be warned that he is a chick magnet, the gals can’t resist that cute little robot. Soon enough he will get lost in space, and you will have to go find him all over again.

Gay Empire: is your friend, and will join your adventure to protect you.

Chop Suey

Chop Suey: you must eat well to become Toy Lord of Chinatown. Get a box of Chop Suey for only $10 Bux and get super strength along with kind words of advice.

Mary Paper$: is a fierce fighter and party gal. She loves a good beer, robots, powerful toy lords, and piles of cash.

Games by J.E.Moores for iOS
Games by J.E.Moores for Android

The Original Villain Network: the bad guys all have different evil powers to annoy you.

  • Star Chumps are worthless and mostly in the way. Not worth a thing. Just blast through ’em. Jump on their head, or slay with laser sword.
  • Galactic Jerkbags have all the money, so you gotta grab it from them as best you can. Sell them bootleg toys to become the Toy Lord of Chinatown.
  • The Necromancer is a wanted man and has a bounty worth $50 Bux if you can hit him with a laser sword. He’s wicked fast, so you must be faster.
  • Vectar has escaped from your bootleg toy sweatshop. Capture him and tap him to produce resin toys in your art studio.
  • Carrator is tossing some very dangerous Bionic Carrots all over the place making a mess of things. Slay with laser sword.
  • An entire battalion of Wrecked Souls are shooting Pink Suck Shark Missiles. You must kill them before they kill you.

The idea is to acquire enough Suck Bux to fix your spaceship, and then unlock and play all the characters to battle to the top for a chance to become the Toy Lord of Chinatown.

Game also includes .99¢ in-app purchases to Remove Ads, purchase 1000 Suck Bux, and to unlock and play as the Black Necromancer. We thank you for supporting indie games.

SUCKLORD: Toy Lord of Chinatown
an indie game for iOS, Android, and Windows PC

World 1: Land Battle, New York City, Twin Towers, Chinatown

World 2: Retro Arcade Reward $$$ Level

World 3: Air Battle over Coney Island (repair & fly spaceship: The SUCK-1)

World 4: Suck Pax Memory Card Game (collect ’em all!)

World 5: Vectar’s Resin Toy Challenge

Games by J.E.Moores for iOS
Games by J.E.Moores for Android

This indie game is based on the Suckadelic Toy Lords of Chinatown characters by The Super Sucklord. Suckadelic toys, videos, art, and music can be found at:

8-bit game sprites by Marc Beaudette of Onell Design:

Indie game development by J.E.Moores Game Machine:

Oh yeah, I almost forgot the classic Sucklord slogan:

You’re an asshole for playing this game.

Sucklord: Toy Lord of Chinatown for Windows PC

How did Sucklord The Game come to exist?

Hi, Jay E Moores here. Being an art teacher since 1984, I like to make games inspired by awesome art. I love ancient art such as Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Hindu Temple Paintings, and old Witchy Wood Cuts. I make video games using art as my subject, since art history is what I know and love. I often look at art and wish I could play it like a game. I want to make it move and animate. After several games based on very old public domain art, I thought it would be fun to reach out to contemporary artists and make some arty games.

Covid also set the stage, because a lot of creative people were in limbo looking for a project, looking for any hope of a future. I wanted to take a break from making solo developed games about art from ancient times and find some community. I suddenly longed for the present that was lost to all of us for a while. I have always found that artists who are alive are way more fun than those who are not, so I started to contact my favorite living artists so we could collaborate via Zoom meetings and email. The Super Sucklord was my first victim.


A long time ago, far away in a different zone and sector, I supported a Kickstarter for some S.U.C.K.L.E. toys being made by the Super Sucklord. The toys came bagged with a header card. The back of the card had little 8-bit versions of each character. I thought, those little 8 bit characters would make great video game sprites. Problem was, making video games was just a bucket list thing for me at that time of my life. I had to find a way to learn.

8 bit SUCKLE

That was nearly 10 years ago? Not yet? Almost. Well, since then I’ve learned how to make video games using a very nifty program called, Buildbox that requires no code. I had dabbled with Flash animation and Photoshop for years, and Buildbox works enough like the programs I had already used that it all made sense to me. In less than 3 years I had published over 20 games to iOS and Android. I felt I was ready to make that Sucklord game.

I imagined an 80’s arcade style side-scrolling game. I created a mock up game and emailed the Sucklord to ask if he wanted to see it. We published the mock up game to Test Flight on iOS so he could check out the game on his phone and get ideas for the feel of the game mechanic and see the ideas already there, etc. He sent me all of those little 8-bit sprites so I could use the real things from his header cards, and together we figured out a list of stuff to add, change, and tweak to give the game the Suckadelic vibe. The Super Sucklord had a million ideas, and I really did my best to interpret them all into this game. We tore this game apart and made 3 complete versions before we settled on what we have now. Most of his ideas were way beyond my ability, so I had to learn a ton of stuff to make it happen. I enjoyed the challenge and had a blast. I learned a ton collaborating on this project.

To tie the live action characters to their 8-bit sprite counterpart I captured a few audio clips from the Toy Lords of Chinatown series on YouTube and include them in the game. It’s hilarious to hear Tyranusberg demand his money, and my favorite, the annoying laugh of Vectar’s bot.

Once you collect enough Suck Bux to repair your spaceship, there are upgrades to Sucklord’s suit of armor to unlock. Each suit of armor has different powers and abilities. Some jump higher, or more often, some can take more hits before dying. Each set of armor has unique settings to create a subtle variation in game play. Collect enough Suck Bux to unlock each suit of armor to discover your favorite.

Sucklord the game coming soon to: iOS, Google Play, Windows PC… Ionic Satellite Receiver… G5 Cerebellum Direct, 8-track tape, and Victrola 78 rpm.

Games by J.E.Moores for iOS
Games by J.E.Moores for Android

Sucklord: Toy Lord of Chinatown for Windows PC

May the Farce be with you. (and also with you.) Jay~