Old Friends at Gibbs Library

gibbs-library-launch-7 gibbs-library-launch-6 gibbs-library-launch-5 gibbs-library-launch-4 gibbs-library-launch-3 gibbs-library-launch-2 gibbs-library-launch-1I grew up in Washington, Maine. My book Snotgrass is a memoir of my childhood in the magical village of WASH ME. Launching the book in Washington’s very own Gibbs Library gave me the warm fuzzies. Reading a few pages of my book to the people that knew my family is different than reading to a group of strangers. Everyone in the audience at Gibbs knew at least one person in the book. They all had stories of their own to tell. For me it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Many of these folks knew me when I was just a wee one. Thanks to everyone that came out to see me. It’s nice to be surrounded by old friends.

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