Wiggly Loaf goes analog

This is my ridiculous HTML5 video game I made using H5P. Prototype for the Windows game: Happy Cac.

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Bosch Detail: Harp Player

Gods, Witches, and Demons

Garden of DelightsA game inspired by Hieronymus Bosch When you cavort with the likes of Gods, Witches, and Demons, you can get a little worn

My mailbox is back.

My mailbox is back

After months of picking up our mail at the local post office, I am glad to report that Winter 2015 is coming to an end.

Baby Jay and Mama

One million years ago today

So I’ve been typing my guts out this long harsh winter of 2015. My family and I returned to Maine after living in California for

Wiggly Loaf Nightmare

Afraid of the dark? Maybe you should be. Wiggly Loaf has been up all night watching Siren Head and Bridge Worm videos on YouTube, and