Adventure Garuda

Garuda video game
Adventure Garuda game by J.E.Moores
Google Play for Android

I am awed and inspired by the fierceness of the Hindu Gods. The ancient temple paintings and posters are infinitely detailed and meditative. I get lost gazing in there, until I find myself thinking new and dangerous thoughts: I want to see these colorful characters animated. I was daydreaming, so I went further. I want to see all those arms waving, wings flappin’, and all of the Hindu Gods interacting with one another within the cosmos of a video game.

Adventure Garuda

Once, many moons ago in Thailand my guide constantly drew attention to the architectural temple adornments that are representative of Garuda. He told us the pointy bits that peak out along the corners of the temple rooftops are the beaks of these large winged protectors. The Garuda are many, and stand guard over the temples.

Lord Vishnu rides Garuda. They have many adventures together, and are great friends. In this game, Lord Vishnu is looking for his sweet bride, Lakshmi. Together Lord Vishnu and Garuda will encounter Hanuman the Monkey King, Lord Ganesha, and a very grumpy Kali Ma. Please remember to feed Garuda often. Avoid all obstacles, unlock levels and new characters as you go.

I want to give credit to the amazing artists these game sprites are inspired by. The temple posters are spritual works of art, and animating their arms, wings, and weapons, has given me time to look at them even closer. Hopefully this will inspire some to learn the names of the Hindu Gods, and their multitude of stories.

Music provided by Free Music Archive. Thank you.
Raag by: Vinod Prasanna × Okey Szoke × Pompey

I have been making games only a few weeks now. This is the fifth simple arcade style game I have put together for your enjoyment. Thanks for coming along for the ride.


Adventure Garuda is available for Android on Google Play and the iOS app store. I think you’ll love this one. It’s special, and I put over 300 hours into making this simple little arcade game. The colors are spicy. One can almost smell the curry, turmeric, and cardamom as they play. Tandoor anyone? Dang. Now I’m hungry.

Adventure Garuda game by J.E.Moores
Google Play for Android

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